Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ's about us:
Q: Do you carry insurance?
A: YES This is important, insurance helps to protect both parties and keeps everyone involved happy. It is really easy for a cleaning provider not to purchase insurance. However, if something gets stolen or someone gets hurt, you need to be protected. If a cleaner is injured on your property, you may be liable for damages and hospital bills unless the company carries insurance. Insurance works to cover your property if anything is broken or damaged, giving you peace of mind knowing you won’t be out of pocket. If you chose to employ a cleaning professional that isn’t insured, check with your own insurance company to see what cover you need.
Q: Can you provide references?
A: We have an extensive list of people who are our regular clients who are ready and willing to vouch for our services. You’ll find some of their testimonials on this site.
Q: Is our work guaranteed?
A: YES! If you're not pleased with anything we do, you have the right to have the problem corrected. Cleanway Xtra Cleaning Services offer a guarantee, meaning if you call within 24 hours of the job completion with a complaint they will return to correct the problem free of charge (see T&C’s)
Q: What services do you offer?
A: Office & Industrial cleaning Residential cleaning, Window cleaning Upholstery cleaning Carpet cleaning High-pressure cleaning Buff & polishing Tile & grout cleaning Flood & Fire Restoration Businesses that innovate and provide new technological solutions can save you more in the long term. Wouldn’t it be easier to have one provider for all your cleaning and washroom requirements?
Q: Can you handle emergencies?
A: We are well equipped to help you recover from an emergency, for instance, a sudden flood or smoke damage from a fire.
Q: Do you have any supervisors?
A: YES! We employ supervisors to inspect their cleaners work. This not only ensures a high level of quality assurance and gives you the opportunity to make suggestions, ask questions or make compliments/complaints that will be actioned. Their role is to supervise and support cleaners and liaise with clients on a regular basis. Supervisor feedback to staff is critical to ensure that the cleaning crew perform their duties correctly.
Q: Do you conduct regular and surprise inspections?
A: YES! Supervisors/Managers visit our clients at random times on random days, to take a detailed look at the standard of cleaning performed and ensure cleaning requirements are being met and followed by staff and making sure all cleaners understand their roles and responsibilities.
Q: How do you manage feedback?
A: Feedback is an essential communication tool it helps motivate staff and improve services. However, for many businesses feedback isn’t managed well and clients are left frustrated and staff demotivated.
Q: How quickly do you respond?
A: Sometimes cleaning predicaments pop up unexpectedly. A backed up toilet, a broken bottle of juice etc., these situations can be really unsightly and distracting until cleaned up. We are always quick to respond and offer a solution.
Q: Are background checks performed on your staff?
A: This is critical as these people may be in your office, out of hours, when no one else is around. You have proprietary information, personal belongings of employees, important files, etc. We conduct background checks and random drink/drug screening. The cleaning industry typically has high staff turnover rate, don’t be surprised to hear employees change every 3-5 months. Each change in personnel means trusting someone new in your home/office, Cleanway Xtra Cleaning Service has a low staff turnover.
Q: How do you know the person standing in front of you is honest?
A: Employing a cleaner through a reputable company gives you the peace of mind that the right checks have been done. Paying cash for a cleaner is often cheaper but how many people check the identification of their cleaner. At Cleanway Xtra Cleaning Services we always verify staff identify by checking Visas, Driving Licences etc. and ensuring that all personnel possess a nationally police clearance certificate.
Q: How thorough are your cleaners?
A: A good cleaning service tidies your office but a great service can make everything look brand new. Great cleaners take pride in their achievements and have a sense of pride in their work.
Q: What cleaning products do you use? Are the chemicals safe?
A: At Cleanway Xtra Cleaning Services our specialised cleaners have been trained to use correct chemicals for the purpose they are designed. Commercial Cleaning Services do more than just use a surface cleaner and wood polish. Often toxic cleaning chemicals are required to get the job done properly. However, it’s essential cleaners handle these chemicals properly so they don’t injure themselves or colleagues. Furthermore, chemicals used should not harm you or your families/employee’s health. They should also be fit for purpose otherwise they will cause irreversible damage to your property.
Q: How long will the cleaning take?
A: This is all dependent on the size of the property. Typically a standard 4 x 2 home we would allow 2.5 hours as a minimum.
Q: Are your cleaners flexible – are they willing to stay longer for ad-hoc duties?
A: Our cleaners are flexible in regards to ad-hoc duties given prior scheduled jobs. If you know that additional time may be required for your regular house clean in addition to your allotted time, prior notice is appreciated. All requests will be accommodated to the best of standards
Q: What if I have allergies?
A: Cleaning professionals are trained to use the products they are provided with to ensure they are used efficiently, effectively and safely. We offer environmentally friendly programs. For those clients with specific allergies, are directed to speak with your cleaning provider in advance to ensure only the most suitable products are used.
Q: What should I do about my pets?
A: If you have any pets, most Cleaning Providers are happy to offer a cleaning service however, your personal circumstances should be discussed in advance. Generally, arrangements are made to ensure that your animals are safe and secure so that they cannot affect the work of the cleaning team.
Q: What if I find something missing from my home?
A: Firstly, you should retrace your steps to make sure that the item in question hasn’t been misplaced or moved by someone else. If the item is still missing call us immediately and give a description of the item and include any serial numbers or identifying marks if there are any. Quite often items are moved to safe places by other family members and reappear.
Q: What if my premises have security system installed?
A: If you are dealing with a reputable cleaning provider, you’ll have peace of mind that staff are police checked and insured. This should provide comfort in sharing your security code. Some security systems enable you to create separate codes for the cleaning provider to use. You can then delete the code if you change cleaning providers. It’s customary that the majority of cleaners operate client alarm systems in the course of their duties.
Q: Will the cleaning affect my business?
A: No! Our cleaning providers have flexible cleaning hours to fit in with your requirements. We know that it’s expected to work after hours, at night, early mornings and on the weekends, to accommodate your requirements.
People think cleaning is easy and anyone can do it, However, well-established cleaning companies have much more experience and versatility. They have more ability to safely clean speciality items such as antiques using the correct chemicals and techniques. They also provide continuity, using a long established business like Cleanway Xtra Cleaning Services gives you that reassurance.
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